Kai and Ray in Beyblade G-Revolution ... In this Kai beats Ray .. Song - Rise Above The Storm ... Beyblade Kai Ray G ...
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 386,820
This is about Kai and Tala! ... beyblade ...
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 72,385
This is for all those beyblade fans out there! G revolution episode 1 ENGLISH! All credit goes to komino_ dragon ...
Added: 1 year ago
Views: 212,033
in the background is called "Always Be In The Game" from the English beyblade anime! Also to all the fucking loser haters ... A battle between me and an old friend with an awesome finishing attack by my Driger V2. This stadium is called The Dragoon Hurricane Stadium! I was 15 when I made this video! If you viewers like my video comment it and give it a fair rating please! I'm the one on the left side of the screen, with the Weider Gloves! The music in the background is called "Always Be In The Game" from the English beyblade anime! Also to all the fucking loser haters, GO FUCK YOURSELF! You are all immature babies that have nothing better to do then go on random videos and diss them! You are fucking pathetic! If you don't like something then stay the fuck away from it! Stop trying to run peoples lives and telling them that they are stupid, gay, and immature, etc... Just because you have no lives of your own! If you don't like beyblade I have a very simple solution for you...DON'T FUCKING WATCH THE VIDEOS I PUT UP MORONS! That also includes not commenting them too, I mean waste your life, I'm never going to respond to your comments, they will get removed, and you are just going to get blocked LOL! (more) (less)
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 228,000
beyblade 2000 english opening ... beyblade ...
Added: 1 year ago
Views: 51,561
these are the girls of beyblade Grevolution *** This video is not mine, I wished it was *** ... beyblade girls ...
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 125,057
THIS OPENING NEEDS NO DESCRIPTION!!! its that damn good ... Beyblade VForce 2002 Italian Super ...
Added: 1 year ago
Views: 57,178
beyblade italian opening la apertura de beyblade en italiano Beyblade boyblade Beyblade bau-bau-bau-bau Beyblade boyblade ... beyblade italian opening la apertura de beyblade en italiano Beyblade boyblade Beyblade bau-bau-bau-bau Beyblade boyblade Beyblade spirit araund anyraund Vai ragazzo cosi il tuo sogno e gia qui yes you are anything sei il piu temerario! c'e una forza che tu senti sempre di piu quando lanci dragoon contro il tuo avversario Nel beyblade c'e la potenza di un ciclone nel tuo cuore c'e la grinta di un campione. Beyblade boyblade che gara c'e Let's blader game dai tocca a te. Vincerai vincerai questo incontro se combatterai! Boyblade Beyblade che carica dì solo ok e magica. Oramai tu sei pronto ora sai com'e il tuo Beyblade. Beyblade boyblade Beyblade bau-bau-bau-bau Beyblade boyblade Beyblade bau-bau-bau-bau. Nel beyblade c'e la potenza di un ciclone nel tuo cuore c'e la grinta di un campione. Beyblade boyblade che gara c'e Let's blader game dai tocca a te Vincerai vincerai questo incontro se combatterai! Boyblade Beyblade che carica dì solo ok e magica. Oramai tu sei pronto ora sai com'e il tuo Beyblade. Beyblade boyblade Beyblade bau-bau-bau-bau Beyblade boyblade Beyblade bau-bau-bau-bau. (more) (less)
Added: 1 year ago
Views: 38,230
some holes and cracks. This is a stadium strictly built for HMS beyblades but HMS beyblades suck and are really boring ... This was my first Japanese stadium, as you can see it is really scratched up and has some holes and cracks. This is a stadium strictly built for HMS beyblades but HMS beyblades suck and are really boring compared to good old classic plastic. So this stadium is really fun. Like my Tornado stadium this stadium has a tornado ridge that is why it is called the tornado Balance Stadium. Also because of it being an HMS stadium, the exits are really tight(small) so that makes it way more serious. Give credit again to my good friend Ruben for being the camera guy! He's the best, couldn't have done it without him! Comment my videos if you like them. I worked hard on them for you guys; and tell me which stadiums you like the best and I'll make more videos of those specific ones. Thanks for watching. Also give credit to my very skilled opponent Nicholas aka Nicky, he is a great friend and beyblader alike! I'm the one on the left side of the screen, with the Weider Gloves! The song is called "Always Be In The Game" from the English beyblade anime! Also to all the fucking loser haters, GO FUCK YOURSELF! You are all immature babies that have nothing better to do then go on random videos and diss them! You are fucking pathetic! If you don't like something then stay the fuck away from it! Stop trying to run peoples lives and telling them that they are stupid, gay, and immature, etc... Just because you have no lives of your own! If you don't like beyblade I have a very simple solution for you...DON'T FUCKING WATCH THE VIDEOS I PUT UP MORONS! That also includes not commenting them too, I mean waste your life, I'm never going to respond to your comments, they will get removed, and you are just going to get blocked LOL! (more) (less)
Added: 1 year ago
Views: 81,767
Part 1 ... Beyblade G-Revolution Episode ...
Added: 1 year ago
Views: 63,915
this ia beyblade slideshow! hope you enjoy my fourth video! Anime: Beyblade Song 1: Beyblade 2002-Off The Chains Song 2 ... this is probally my best one yet! this i a beyblade slideshow! hope you enjoy my fourth video! Anime: Beyblade Song 1: Beyblade 2002-Off The Chains Song 2: Beyblade Theme Credits Song: urban love (more) (less)
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 10,397
Blue Man Group This is my DJ by Hard In Tango Beyblade (c) Aoki Takao ... beyblade tyson granger takao kinomiya max tate ... Don't ask ^^; Sandstorm by Darude Harder, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk Sweet Little Bumble Bee from Bambee The Hamster Dance by The Blue Man Group This is my DJ by Hard In Tango Beyblade (c) Aoki Takao (more) (less)
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 13,096
Metal Fight Beyblade" spinning top toy, which was the focus of much attention, at the International Tokyo Toy Show 2008 ... DigInfo - http://movie.diginfo.tv Takara-Tomy exhibited its "Metal Fight Beyblade" spinning top toy, which was the focus of much attention, at the International Tokyo Toy Show 2008. The "Metal Fight Beyblade" is a significantly powered up version of the "Bakuten Chute Beyblade", a toy which stirred up a great deal of attention and was a major hit both in Japan and over 55 other countries throughout the world between 1999 and 2002 with over 60 million sold during that time. The 4-layer structural parts of the main body can be switched out to easily customize the new Beyblade based on different strategies for attack, defense, endurance, and balance. The new Metal Fight Beyblade will go on sale on August 9th at a price of 1,554 yen. International Tokyo Toy Show (more) (less)
Added: 1 month ago
Views: 5,090
clip beyblade, music beyblade v force- Switchblade ... beyblade ...
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 139,291
^- 1. Celine Dion - "That's the way it's" 2. Royal Gigolos - "No milk today" ... beyblade yaoi shounen ai ... PLEASE PEOPLE, IF YOU´RE HERE TO SPAM ME WITH SHITTY COMMENTS ABOUT HOW YOU DON´T LIKE THIS, OR HOW YOU WANT TO ADVERTISMENT SUCH THINGS LIKE "click here to see naked online girls" OR "I won one million, click here"... IT MAKES ME ANGRY SO PLEASE, STOP IT! This video contains Yaoi Some one asked me for the songs, but I did only know the first but then a very kind person said the name of the second song! ^^ Edit: Now someone else told me the singer for the second song, thanks! ^^- 1. Celine Dion - "That's the way it's" 2. Royal Gigolos - "No milk today" (more) (less)
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 51,653
Beyblade ... Beyblade Darkwolf94 ...
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 14,052
Two custom beyblade go head to head Using there bit beast that is the only way 2 win lol ... lol beyblade bey blade ...
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 34,229
out for it! DISCLAMER::: BEYBLADE and all its liklyness belong to Takao Aoki. I own no beyblade footage and this video ... A Fire In Your Eyes Production by WhiteIcePhoenix Song: Sleepless Beauty Anime: Beyblade My personal thoughts: One of my earlier AMVs, Im not too proud of it but it came out better than expected. I may make a version two so look out for it! DISCLAMER::: BEYBLADE and all its liklyness belong to Takao Aoki. I own no beyblade footage and this video has simply been made for entertainment purposes only. Please coment and rate, constructive critism is appreiciated and flames will be used to burn my homework. (more) (less)
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 5,424
See if one of these Quotes catches your eye! ... beyblade kai max takao tyson ray rei kenny quotes ...
Added: 2 years ago
Views: 10,672
AMV - Beyblade - Kai & Dranzer Song: jap. Beylade Opening - Fighting Spirits Program: MovieMaker ... beyblade kai ...
Added: 1 year ago
Views: 11,800
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